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Fish form

Today there are innumerable species of fish that can be kept in aquariums.  In the following links you will find popular favorites that are kept by many hobbyists, as well as facinating species that  are not yet so familiar.  If you would like to advertise your business on 1000PetStores.com go to our fish form.

Barbs and DaniosCatfishesTanganyikaMalawi CichlidsOdditiesKilliefishes


Barbs and Danios


Rainbow Fishes

Loaches, Flying Foxes



Labyrinth Fishes


Malawi Cichlids

Central American

South American





NOTICE - Because there are so many species of fish in the world there would be no way for one person to be able to research and type the needed information for this massive work in a reasonable amount of time. If you have information to some of these species and possibly others please let us know.  We will be glad to give you the credit. Some sources state there could be more than 7,000 species of fish in the world.  If you are a fish hobbyist and consider yourself knowledgable on this topic and are willing to share your knowledge let us know. Contact us. 

Diagram on the anatomy of a fish


Infoarea - Pet stuff with many links to other pet stuff dealing with fish.

Actwin - Scientific information on tropical fish.

Tropical-fish-shop - A tropical fish site in Scotland.

Whatafish - The largest selection of  tropical fish, aquariums and accessories on the Internet. All of our tropical fish are guaranteed healthy and ready to ship for your enjoyment. tropical fish and fish aquariums.gif (35 bytes)

Icon - More links to other links.

Imagine-Hawaii - Great links to fish, fish software and other fish stuff.

HollywoodFishFarm - Fresh water fish from New Zealand.

Tropical-fish - A highly recommend this site for information on most tropical fish.

Etropicals They sell all kinds of fish stuff. Another great site to buy tropical fish.