Lamprologus ocellatus

Altolamprologus calvus

Neolamprologus longior

Neolamprologus brichardi

Blunt-headed Cichlid

Golden Julie

Tanganiyka Clown

Yellow Sand Cichlid

Cyprichromis leptosoma


NOTICE - Because there are so many species of fish in the world there would be no way for one person to be able to research and type the needed information for this massive work in a reasonable amount of time. If you have information to some of these species and possibly others please let us know.  We will be glad to give you the credit. Some resources state that there could be more than 7,000 species of fish in the world.  If you are a fish hobbyist and consider yourself knowledgable on this topic and are willing to share your knowledge let us know. Contact us. 

Like Lake Malawi, Lake Tanganyika is one of the African Rift Valley lakes. Also like Lake Malawi, it provides numerous species of cichlids for the aquarium hobby, with over 175 described. The water in Lake Tanganyika is especially hard and alkaline, with the pH averaging between 8.6 to 9.2.  Although many of the species are fond of rocks, there are also many species that prefer sandy bottoms and many that are free-swimming in open water. Most of the species will take prepared aquarium foods and live foods.