
Sunset Platy



Black Molly

Sailfin Molly

Alfaro cultratus

Midget Livebearer or Mosquito Fish

Metallic Livebearers

Priapella intermedia

Ameca splendens

Xenotoca eiseni

Malayan or Wrestling Half-beak

Nomorhamphus liemi

NOTICE - Because there are so many species of fish in the world there would be no way for one person to be able to research and type the needed information for this massive work in a reasonable amount of time. If you have information to some of these species and possibly others please let us know.  We will be glad to give you the credit. Some resources state that there could be more than 7,000 species of fish in the world.  If you are a fish hobbyist and consider yourself knowledgable on this topic and are willing to share your knowledge let us know. Contact us.