Physical Characteristics - The flat head is clearly set off from the neck, and the large, slightly protruding eyes have pinhole-shaped pupils.  The moderately long body is very muscular.  The scales are smooth, and the anal plate undivided. 

Length - 32 to 36 inches and up to 4 feet.

Distribution and behavior - The Graybanded-Kingsnake has a very narrowly defined distribution.  It is found in southwestern Texas in the Trans-Pecos region west of the Del Rio River to the Big Bend National Park.  We also know of two locations south of the Rio Grande where it has been found in the Mexican state Coahuila.  It inhabits both flat land and mountainous country  and seeks out hiding places underneath rocks, along slopes of loose rock, and  especially rocky, dried out riverbeds.  Its diet consists of frogs and small  mammals. 

Physical Characteristics - The head is hardly set off from the neck.   The body is long but very strong.  The large eyes have round pupils.  The scales are smooth, and the anal plate is undivided.  Its body is ringed with brick to bright red and sulphur yellow to white bands.  These red and white bands or rings are set off from each other by wide black edges.  The tip of the snout is white or yellow, and the top of the head and the areas immediately behind the eyes are black.  The chin is white or yellow, and the yellowish belly is covered with square blotches. 

Length - up to 42 inches.

Distribution and behavior - this species is distributed in the United States in northern central utah, southeastern Nevada, Arizona and southwestern New Mexico, and in Mexico in eastern Sonora and central Chihuahua. It is found is found in the mountains at altitudes between 3000 and 7500 feet.  It is also found in open pine forests, canyons, beneath rocks, on slopes and loose rocks.  I eats small mammals and lizards.  It lays eggs.