History - The Welsh Springer Spaniel originated in Wales more than 400 years ago for flushing (springing) and retrieving game birds.  Today the Welsh springer spaniel is considered on outstanding sporting dog and companion.

Temperament - Welsh Springer Spaniels are loyal, affectionate, and playful family companion, though they may be reserved with strangers.  They are eager to please, love to work, and do very well in obedience classes.  They enjoy children as long as they are treated gently and respectfully and are very sociable with other animals. Welsh springer spaniels do best in suburban or rural areas.

Upkeep - Needs to be brushed and combed two to three times per week and trimmed every three months.  They need long, vigorous walks and a safe place to run and play on a daily basis. 

Size - height 17-19 inches, weight 35-40 pounds.

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