History - The Sussex spaniel originated in the 19th century in Sussex, England, where it was used as a field dog, bred to be slow moving so that hunters could follow on foot. 

Temperament - Despite its somewhat somber expression, the Sussex spaniel is a cheerful and affectionate dog with a constantly wagging tail. These dogs get along with children if raised with them and are usually friendly with strangers. They are sociable with other dogs, though sometimes they try to dominate.  They can be difficult to train and some may bark or howl excessively.  Sussex spaniels can adjust to city life as long as they are given enough exercise.

Upkeep - The Sussex needs to be brushed and combed two to three times a week and trimmed every three months. This dog needs several long, brisk walks daily.

Size - height 13-15 inches, weight 35-45 pounds.

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