History - This is the oldest of the three  breeds of Schnauzer.  There is evidence that this breed existed in the 14th century.  It was a household pet and hunting companion.  It is a blend of terrier, working, and hunting stock, most likely from crossing Wire-haired  Pinschers with black German poodles and gray wolf spitz.  In the beginning of  the 1800s this dog was put to work guarding the farmer's carts at the market  place. By 1900 they became popular showdogs in America.  This breed was initially classified as a terrier, but it ws later reclassified as a working  dog.  The Standard Schnauzer has also done police work. 

Temperament - A great companion and guardian.  It is clever and headstrong.  It is good with family and pets, but  can be aggressive toward strange dogs, animals, or rodents. 

Upkeep - The Standard Schnauzer needs  daily exercise.  Loves to be outdoors, but also likes to spend time inside.  Its  rough coat needs combed twice weekly and needs clipped 4 times per year.

Size - Males can weigh from 40 - 45 pounds and females can weigh between 35 and 40 pounds.  Heights in males can reach 19.5 inches and females 18.5 inches.

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