History - The Skye terrier originated in the 16th century on the rugged, harsh islands of northwest Scotland one of which is the Isle of Skye.  The breed displayed stamina, courage, strength, and agility in pursuit of small game. It was a favorite of royalty; Queen Victoria fell in love with the breed..

Temperament - Skye terriers are physically powerful, strong-willed, bold, and loyal. They require a lot of individual attention.  Early socialization and obedience training, preferable with an experienced owner who can maintain leadership, should make them less cautious with strangers, less nippy with children, and less hostile toward other animals. They are fine city dogs if exercised daily.

Upkeep - Skye terriers need to be brushed and combed every other day to avoid matting.  Some trimming may be neccessary every three months.  The need long walks daily and occational runs in safe and secured area.

Size - height 9-10 inches, weight 23-28 pounds.

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