History - The Shiba Inu is an ancient Japanese hunting dog that ws used for hunting birds and small game for more then 2,000 years.  The breed is  result of the interbreeding of three ancient breeds: the Sanin, the Mino, and the Shinshu. It is the most popular dog in Japan.

Temperament - Shiba Inus are bright, independent, clean and tidy dogs.  They can be aloof and reserved with strangers as well as their families., but will accept children and other dogs and cats if raised with them.  Like basenjis, they seldom bark but make their own distinctive sound reminiscent of a shriek.

Upkeep - Shiba Inus need to be brushed and combed two to three times a week.  They enjoy a couple of daily brisk walks or romps in a safe, secure area.

Size - height 13-16 inches, weight 15-25 pounds.

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