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History - The ancestors of the Shetland Sheepdog were the herding dogs of Scotland that also provided the root stock for the Collie and Border Collie.  Some of these dogs were quite small, measuring only about 18 inches in height.  Because of their isolation from the rest of the world, the breed was able to breed true in a comparatively short time. 

Temperament - Extremely bright, sensitive and extremely willing to please.  This combination makes for a dog that is very  obedient, quick learn, and very devoted to family.  It is not only gentle, playful, amiable, and companionable, but also excellent with children, although it can nip at heels in play.

Upkeep - Is energetic and needs plenty of  exercise.  It can live outdoors in a temperate climate, but it is strongly  advised that the Sheltie be a housedog.  It is too attached to its family to do  well separated from them.  Its thick coat needs brushed every other day.

Size - Weight 20 pounds, 16 inches in  heights.

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