History - The schipperke originated in 16th century Belgium, where it kept canal barges free of rats and watched for intruders. Schipperke is Flemish for “little captain.”

Temperament - The schipperke is constantly in motion, curious about everything and everyone, in short, a delightful, furry busybody. Smart and stubborn, this dog does well in obedience training only if its mulishness is pacified gently but firmly.  Some schipperkes can be difficult to housebreak, others may be possessive of toys and food bowls. While most schipperkes enjoy children if socialized at an early age, some can be nippy with children who don’t treat them gently. They get along with other animals and need plenty of daily exercise.

Upkeep - Need to be brushed once a week. They need vigorous daily exercise, such as two or three fast-paced long walks. 

Size - height 10-13 inches, weight 12-18 pounds.

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