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History - Around the ninth century the  Magyar tribes came from the eastern Urals to occupy the central Danube area, intermingling with Turkish people along the way.  The Puli's resemblance in body  structure to the Tibetan Spaniel has led some to surmise that the latter may have played a role in the Puli's development.  In the early 1900s, an effort  began to resurrect the Puli; the first standards was written in 1925. In 1936 the AKC recognized the breed for the first time. 

Temperament - This smart dog is headstrong  and tough.  It can be aggressive toward other dogs.  Alert and watchful, it is also protective of its family.  It does bark alot. 

Upkeep - An energetic breed on the lookout for a job, preferably something to herd.  It can be satisfied with a good walk or jog.  Its coat can hold debris.  Its non-shedding coat needs brushed every  other day and the cords must be separated and debris picked out. 

Size - Weight 35 pounds, height 17 inches. 

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