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History - This breed has been called by many names: Mopshond in Holland; Mops in Germany, and Dutch or Chinese Pug in England.  The word pug means fist in latin.  The Pub is somewhat an exception in  the toy group because it is perhaps the only one to be descended from mastiff  forebears.  Its origin is unknown.  Pugs were brought to England during  Victorian times and became very popular with the wealthy, displacing the King Charles Spaniel as the favored royal breed.  Pugs usually had cropped ears.  In 1885, the Pug was recognize by the AKC.

Temperament - Friendly, playful, and  confident.  It makes a for a great companion although it can be stubborn and  headstrong.  It loves to showoff and prance around.

Upkeep - Needs daily exercise.  It does  not do well in humidity and outdoors.  It needs brushed about once a week, however the wrinkles need to be cleaned and dried to prevent infection. The Pug snores and wheezes.

Size - Both male and female can weigh 14-18 pounds, the height is  10-11 inches from the shoulder.

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