History - This dogs shares some of its  characteristics with the poodle.  Their ancestors were herding dogs from the central Asian steppes, either brought to Portugal by way of the Visigoths in the  5th century or by way of the Berbers and then Moors in the 8th century.  It loves the water and eventually herded fish into the nets.  This dog also retrieved lost nets or equipment and served as a boat-to-boat carrier.  Dr. Vasco Bensuade, a wealthy shipping magnate, saved this dog when the Portuguese fishermen and their dogs began to disappear.  AKC recognized the dog in 1984.

Temperament - is a fun-loving,  family-loving, water-loving dog.  It is very good with children and other dogs  and pets.  It is a very good breed for an active person. 

Upkeep - The Portuguese water dog needs  plenty of excercise involving running and swimming.  It can live outdoors in temperate climates and is happiest living close to family.  Its coat needs combed every other day along with a monthly trimming. 

Size - Males can get up to 60 pounds while the females reach 50 pounds.  The height of the male measured from the shoulder  averages between 20 - 23 inches while the female averages 17 - 21 inches. 

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