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History - See Standard  Poodles.

Temperament - Pert and peppy, the Toy Poodle is one of the brightest and easiest breeds to train.  It is alert, playful, lively, and sensitive and eager to please.  It is very devoted to the family and can be reserved with strangers.  Some poodles may bark a lot.

Upkeep - Poodles need a lot of interaction with people.  They also need mental and physical exercise.  Their exercise needs  can be met with a short walk or a romp in the park.  This is a breed that should never live outside.  It does like to be able to go back and forth from house to  yard.  When a poodle sheds its hair gets tangled in other hair and can become matted.  The poodle needs combed frequently.  Most poodle owners prefer to take  their dog to a professional groomer, but many learn to groom their own dogs.

Size - 4-8 pounds; height not to exceed 10 inches.

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