History - A hunting account from the XIX  Egyptian dyanasty supplies and apt description of the modern Pharoah Hound: "The  red, long-tailed dog goes at night into the stalles of the hills.  He makes no  delay in hunting, his face glows like a God and he delights to do his work." The  breed is one of serveral with a legitimage claim of most ancient breed and appears to have changed little in the last 3000 years.  It bears an uncanny  resemblance to the jackal god Anubis and to dogs depicted on the tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs, and late, dogs featuredin ancient Greek art. The Pharaoh  Hound is now the National Dog of Malta.  In 1983 it was recognized by the AKC.

Temperament - A keen hunter, exuberant  chase and calm.  It loves to run.  It is gentle, and good with children and  other dogs, but may chase strange animals.  It tends to be reserved with strangers. 

Upkeep - It loves to run and play.  It prefers to sleep inside in the warmth of shelter and should not be expected to  live outside.  Its coat needs brushed once a week.

Size - 45 -55 pounds and height 25 inches.

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