History - The Corgi was an essential  helper to the farmers of South Wales.  Although these little dogs specialized in  herding cattle, nipping at their heels and then ducking under their kicking hooves, they were almost certainly also used in herding sheep and even Welsh ponies.  In 1926, a club was formed to introduce the dog into the show ring.  By  the 1960s, the Pembroke had become one of the most popular pet breeds all over the world, but especially in Britain.

Temperament - Quick and very witty.  Has  an active mind and body.  It needs physical and mental exercise daily and does  best in the house.  It is devoted and willing to please, fun loving, amiable and companioable.  It is very good with children, although it can nip at heels in  play.  It is reserved with strangers and many bark a lot. 

Upkeep -  The Pembroke loves to herd, and  a daily herding session would be ideal to meet its exercise requirements.  It is  capable to live outdoors, but does better if able to live inside with close family contact.  Its coat needs brushed once a week. 

Size -

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