History - The Pekingese owes its existence  ot the lamaist form of Buddhism in China, in which the lion was an exalted  symbol of Buddha. During the T'ang dynasty from A.D. 700 to A.D. 1000 these dogs were treated as royalty.  Some dogs were small enough to be kept in the sleeve  of their master. 

Temperament - Not a sassy lapdog.  It is  courageous character that will not start a fight but will not back down from  one.  Devoted to families and playful.  Sometimes it may not be playful enough to keep children interested in them. 

Upkeep - Enjoys a leisurely walk outdoors, but it is equally happy to romp inside.  The coat will mat unless combed at the very least weekly, preferably more often.  the overnose wrinkle should be cleaned daily to avoid infection.  The coat around the anus must be inspected daily for soiling.  This breed tends to snore.

Size - Not to exceed 14 pounds, 6-9 inches in height.

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