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History - This is not a miniature version of the Doberman Pinscher, it is the oldest of the two breeds.  Information on origin is scarce, but some evidence points toward Germany.  These dogs probably  resulted from crossing a small short-haired terrier (German Pinscher) with the Dachshund and Italian Greyhound.  The world's most energetic breed.  This breed was recognized by the AKC in 1929.  This is clearly the most popular toy breed in the United States.

Temperament - The most energetic breed.   Its busy, inquisitive, playful, bold and brash.  It can be scrappy with other dogs and may chase small animals.  It is reserved with strangers.

Upkeep - Needs lots of activity.  Its  exercise needs can be met with indoor or outdoor activity.  It hates the cold and cannot live outdoors.  Its coat is virtually carefree requiring only an  occasional brushing to remove dead hair.

Size - 8-10 pounds and heights of 11.5  pounds. 

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