History - The Lakeland terrier was originally bred in the 18th century in the rugged shale mountains of England’s Northern Lake District to drive out, catch, and kill the foxes that prey on farmer’s livestock.

Temperament - Lakelands are fearless, gregarious, and loyal companion.  they are friendly with family members; though they may guard their toys and food bowls, but they may be suspicious of strangers and scrappy around other dogs. They are usually fine around familiar cats but may need to be watched around cats outdoors and other small animals.  They enjoy the company of children, especially those who are at least eight years old and gentle.  If left alone for long periods they may develop behavioral problems, such as excessive barking, digging, and dominance and territory issues.

Upkeep - Lakeland terriers need to be brushed and combed twice a week.  They should be allowed to romp in a secured area and taken on vigorous daily walks.

Size - height 14-15 inches, weight 15-17 pounds.

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