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History - Despite its name, this breed  actually came from China sharing a close relationship with the Pekingese.  The  Chin was kept by the aristocracy of China and was often presented as gifts to  visiting nobility.  Stories vary on how the dog got to Japan.  Some stories say  that Korean nobility brought it to Japan or Zen Buddhist teachers may have taken  them to Japan.  The breed was recognized by the AKC in the late 1800s as the Japanese Spaniel. 

Temperament - A very devoted companion and  lapdog.  It is sensitive and willing to please.  It befriends stranges, dogs, and other pets.  It is playful and is a good child's companion.

Upkeep - The Chin is a lively little dog and needs exercise.  It loves short walks or games in the park.  It does not do  well in hot humid weather.  Its long coat needs combed twice weekly. 

Size - Maximum weight in both male and female is 7 pounds and the shoulder height is around 11 inches. 

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