History - Irish setters were developed in Ireland in the 18th century as hunting dogs.  When they find hiding birds, they freeze, flush, and then retrieve the birds after the hunter has shot them.

Temperament - Well-bred, properly trained, and socialized Irish setters make wonderful companions. They need enormous amounts of daily exercise, however, or they become nervous, hyperactive, and destructive. They are very friendly with children and with other dogs. Irish Setters may bark when someone comes to the door, but they warm up quickly. They must be leashed when they are walk as they tend to run off.  Irish setters are happiest in an environment where they can run and play.

Upkeep- Irish setters need to be brushed and combed twice a week and trimmed every 2-3 months.  They must be allowed to run free in a safe area everyday.

Size- Height 25-27 inches, weight 60-75 pounds. 


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