History - The word harier was Norman for  dog our hound so that it is difficult to unravel the ancient history of the  Harrier from the history of hounds in general.  Nonetheless, the Harrier may be one of the older scenthounds still in existence today.  Smaller English Foxhounds may have been bred with these dogs in the early 1800s to develop a longer legged, faster dog also capable of running with mounted hunters.  The  Harrier has been known in America sice colonial times. 

Temperament  - playful and outgoing thatn the Foxhound, but not as much as the Beagle.  It is amiable, tolerant, and good  with children.  Its first love is for the hunt, and it loves to sniff and  trail. It needs daily exercise in a safe area. Mostly reserved with strangers and tends to bay.

Upkeep - The Harrier needs daily exercise, but its needs can be met with a long walk or jog and a vigorous game in the  yard.  It can live outdoors in temperate climates as long as it is given warm shelter and bedding.  Its coat needs brushed on occasion.

Size - Weight 50-60 pounds and height 19-21 inches.

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