History - One of the first types of dogs  selectively bred by humans was the sighthound, a dog that could run after and catch game by outrunning it.  The prototypical sighthound has always been the  Greyhound.  Greyhound-like dogs have been depicted since ancient Egyptian,  Greek, and Roman times.  The name Greyhound may come from Graius, meaning Greek,  or from the latan gradus, denoting high grade.  By Saxon time Greyhounds were  well established in Britain and were valued by both commoners for their ability to put food on the table and by nobility for the sport of the chase.  In 1014 the Forest Laws prohibited all but nobility from keeping Greyhounds near royal forest unless they had been lamed.  These laws remained in effect for four hundred years.  This is one of the least popular dogs according to the AKC.

Temperament - Known as the world's fastest  couch potato, the Greyhound is quiet, calm, and extremely well-mannered  indoors.  They are good with other dogs, and with other pets if raised with them.  Outdoors, they tend to chase any small thing that moves.  They are  reserved with strangers, very sensitive, and sometimes timid.

Upkeep - The Greyhound needs daily exercise, but it is a sprinter, not an endurance runner.  It loves to run or  chase something outdoors.  Greyhound like creature comforts and must have soft  bedding and warmth.  The coat is extremely easy to care for needing occasional  brushing. 

Size - Males can reach 70 pounds, females  reach 65 pounds.  The height of the Greyhound is 27 to 30 inches.

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