History - Developed in England and Scotland in the 19th century, the golden retriever resulted from the breeding of a Newfoundland-derived yellow retriever with the Tweed water spaniel and the occasional out-crossing of this new dog with the Irish setter, blood-hound, and other water spaniels.  The advent of the breach-loading shotgun enabled hunters to down enormous quantities of ducks, and a large-bodied dog was needed to both locate and retrieve game.

Temperament - There are few breeds as gentle, affectionate, playful, eager to please, and devoted as the golden retriever. These sweet dogs like people and other animals and are ideal playmates for children.  They can be annoying at times because they crave so much attention and always want to be with their owners.  Goldens usually do very well in obedience training, which should be started early, although some dogs may be easily distracted.  Gentle, positive reinforcement is all that is needed to get one back in line.  The Golden retriever needs a lot of attention and exercise.

Upkeep - Goldens shed a lot and need to be brushed and combed a few times a week.  They are happiest when they are taken on brisk walks daily and are given the opportunity to play with other dogs.

Size - Height 21.5 - 24 inches, weight 55 - 75 pounds.


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