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History - One theory of the breed's origins is that it was derived from the same root stock as the Border Collie.  One theory of the name's origin is that iw was derived from a Gaelic word  meaning usefu, which certainly described its value.  Although sheepherding and  guarding are some of the most ancient of canine service, evidence of the Collie dates only fro about 1800.  By 1886 a standard was drawn up that is still  describes the breed as it is today.

Temperament - The Collie is gentle and  devoted, a mild-mannered friend to all.  It is a dog with a working heritage, and it needs daily mental and physical exercise or it can become frustrated.  It  is sensitive, intelligent, and willing to please, although it is sometimes a bit stubborn.  It can nip at the heels of children at play.  Some may bark alot. 

Upkeep - Needs a lot of exercise.  Herding is an excellent exercise.  The Collie can live outside in temperate to cool climates, but it is such a family-oriented dog that is far happier indoors.  The  rough coat needs brushing every other day.

Size - Males can reach weights of 75 pounds, females 65 pounds; heights can reach 26 inches.

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