History - The Cocker Spaniel descended from the English “cocking” spaniels that were used to flush woodcocks from their hiding places in the 19th century.

Temperament - The Cocker Spaniel can be a delight or a medical and behavioral nightmare.  The cocker loves children and is very friendly, gentle, playful, and trainable.  Unfortunately, due to careless breeding, many American cockers are aggressive, nippy, intolerant of children, and difficult to train.

Upkeep - The cocker should be brushed and combed two to three times a week and trimmed every two to three months.  The ears should be cleaned weekly, and the ear flaps, which tend to end up on the food bowl, need to be wiped off daily. This dog needs brisk walks and playtime every day.

Size - Height 14-15 pounds, weight 24-28 pounds.

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Ferguson English Cockers
Jenien Ferguson
P.O. Box 35
Sweet Home, OR 97386
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