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History - The smallest breed of dog.  The history of this little guy is of a controversial nature. One theory says that it came from China and was brought to the New World by Spanish traders, where it was then crossed with small native dogs.  The other theory contends that it originated entirely in Central and South America, descending from the native  Techichi, a small mute dog that was sometimes sacrificed in Toltec religious rituals.  About 300 years later, in 1850, three tiny dogs were found in  Chihuahua, Mexico. 

Temperament - This is a favorite among toy dogs because of its devotion to a single person.  It makes a great household pet.  Some can be protective, bold and timid.  Some are temperamental and some  bark.

Upkeep - This little tike can get most of  its exercise running from room to room.  It enjoys a short walk on a leash.  The  Chihuahua is not an outdoor dog.  Maintenance is at a minimum.

Size - Average of 6 pounds and 9 inches.

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