History - The Chesapeake Bay retriever, considered the finest waterfowl dog, originated in the early 19th century in Maryland, where it was famous for enduring mile long swims and retrieving hundreds of ducks per day from the rough, icy water of Chesapeake Bay.  The breed resulted from the crossing of Newfoundland-type dogs with the curly-coated retriever, the Irish water spaniel, and possibly the otter hound.

Temperament - A good family dog, but can be reserved with strangers and aggresive toward other dogs. They are friendly to children if raised with them. Obedience training and socialization with other people and animals must begin early, and aggressive games should be avoided.

Upkeep - They need to be brushed about once a week.  The require long walks or runs daily, along with frequent swims. 

Size - Height 21-26 inches, weight 55-80 pounds.

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