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History - Its name indicates its Spanish  roots.  These European toy dogs were probably the result of breeding the small  spaniels to the Oriental toy breeds such as the Japanese Chin and perhaps the  Tibetan Spaniel.  These lapdogs known as "comforter spaniels," served as lap and  foot warmers, and even surrogate hot water bottles.  They also played a valuable  role in attracting fleas for their owner's bodies.  King Charles was captivated by this small dog and was accused of ignoring issues of the state and giving  more attention to his dogs.  It was not until 1996 that the AKC recognized it  and then its popularity soared as a result of that recognition.

Temperament - This is the ultimate house  pet, sweet, gentle, playful and willing to please, affectionate and quiet.  It  is very friendly toward other dogs, pets and strangers.  This dog loves to go outside. 

Upkeep - The Cavalier needs plenty of  exercise every day either on a leash or a park.  This breed does not adapt well  to the outdoors and is best in the home.  Its coat needs brushed a few times a week. 

Size -  Both male and female can reach 18  pounds and tower to 13 inches off the ground at the shoulder. 

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