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History - One of the earliest breeds to come to the British Isles, the Cardigan Welsh Corgi was brought from central  Europe to Cardiganshire, South Wales centuries.  Its derivation is unknown, though it may have been influenced by the extinct English turn-spit dog a short-legged, low-bodied dog used to turn spits in kitchens.

Temperament - Fun-loving and high spirited, yet easygoing, the Cardigan is a devoted and amusing companion.  This  is a hardy breed, capable of a day dodging kicks, so it is agile and tireless.  At home it is well mannered, but it is inclined to bark.  It tends to be  reserved with strangers and can be scappy with other dogs.

Upkeep - This breed needs a lot of exercise for its size.  Its needs can best be met with a herding session, but a  moderate walk or vigorous play session will also suffice.  Its coat needs brushing once a week to remove dead hair.

Size - Weight 38 pounds and height 12.5  inches.