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History - Canaan Dogs have evolved through  hundreds, and perhaps thousands of years of hardship.  It is throught that the breed originated in the biblical land of Canaan and were know as Kelev Kanani  (dog of Canaan).  When the Israelites were dispersed from their homeland by the  Romans 2000 years ago, most of the Israeli dogs were left to fend for themselves in the Sebulon Coastal Plain and Negve Desert.  Bedouins captured male puppies  from the wild to raise as guard and livestock dogs.  When the Israeli Defense  Force tried to develop service dgos in the 1930s.  The first Cannan Dog came to Americe in 1965. AKC admitted it into the herding group in 1997. 

Temperament - This dog excels as a herder,  but it has also proven itself in a variety of tasks involving dependability and obedience.  This is an intelligent, devoted, docile dog that is quite tractable  and will ing to please.  Generally good with other household pets, but may be aggressive toward strange dogs.  It is a natural guardian and tends to bark a lot. 

Upkeep - Few breeds can claim as pure a  working heritage as the Cannan Dog.  This dog will not be happy just sitting  around.  It needs lots of exercise and mental and physical challenges.  These needs can be met with herding exercise, a long jog, a strenouse game session along with a challenging training session.  Its coat needs brushing about once a week. 

Size - Males can reach 55 pounds and females 45 pounds, height up to 24 inches. 

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