History - Although it has reached its greatest perfection in Germany during the past 100 years, the Boxer springs from a line of dogs known throughout the whole of Europe since the sixteenth century. Still evidence points to the Boxer as one of the many descendants of the old fighting dog of the high valleys of Tibet. The first boxer was registered in 1904.

Temperament - The boxer is a "hearing" and guard dog, his  bearing is alert, dignified and self-assured, even at rest. The boxer is energetic, gentle, and fun loving with adults and children, although itis wary of stranges. Boxers generally get along with other dogs, but some females may be aggressive and some males inclined to fight for dominance. Early obedience training is very important.

Upkeep - The boxer needs only occasional daily exercise, including several brisk walks and playtime.  Because boxers are good jumpers, high fences are a good idea.

Size - height 21-25 inches, weight 55-75 pounds.

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