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History - The ultimate sheepdog.  The Border Collie is the result of over a century of breeding for function above all other criteria for sheepdogs.  In 1915 the Collie came to America and instantly  dazzled serious shepherds with its quich herding and obedience capabilities.  They were not recognized by the AKC until 1995.

Temperament - Among the most intelligent  and obedient of herding breeds. This is a disastrous housedog if not giving  exercise and mental challeges everyday.  Given sufficient exercise, it is a  dependable and loyal companion.  This breed is stares a lot and other may find  this unnerving. 

Upkeep - This breed is work oriented and continuosly needs a job.  It can live outdoors in temperate to cool climates, but it enjoys being with its family inside as well. It is better off when it has access to both the yard and the house.  This is not an apartment dog.  Its coat  needs brushed twice weekly.

Size - Maximum weight is 45 pounds and height is 23 inches for males and 21 inches for females.

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