History - The bichon frise originated in the Mediterranian area in the Middle ages, but its ancestry is not known.  A favorite of European royalty, it was bred to be an ideal companion.

Temperament - The bichon frise is gentle, playful, and affectionate and gets along with children and other animals.  It loves to please and so is an outstanding obedience-class student, though sometimes it has difficulty with house training.  This is an ideal dog for the city or suburbs, for the young and elderly.

Upkeep - The Bichon Frise requires extensive daily brushing to avoid an unkempt, matted appearance. Professional grooming every eight to twelve weeks it recommended. The bichon frise requires only a few leisurely walks around the block and some playtime daily.

Size - height 9-12 inches, weight 10-14 pounds.

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