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History - This breed comes in four  different forms.  They are the wire-haired Laekenois, the shorthaired Malinois, the ling black-haired Groenendael, and the long anything-but-black-haired Tervuren. The breed was named after the village of Tervuren. 

Temperament - Alert, watchful, and  energetic, the Tervuren is an active and dependable companion that functions  best when given daily mental and physical exercise.  It is well mannered, smart and obedient, but independent.  It may nip at the heels of children trying to  herd them.

Upkeep - Needs strenuous activity, either  long walk or jog or a vigorous romp in a park.  It enjoys herding which is the  ideal exercise.  It prefers to be outside in temperate to cool climates, but does best when allowed access to both yard and house.  It needs brushed twice weekly.

Size - Both male and females can reach weights of 65 pounds and heights of 26 inches.