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History - The American Eskimo dog probably never saw an Eskimo. In fact, the breed, which originated between 500 and 1,000 years ago, owes its physical and behavioral charateristics to the Nordic or spizt dogs of Europe with some Pomeranian and keeshond mix.

Temperament - Eskies like to be with their families but may appear aloof or uncomfortable with strangers. They prefer adults but will tolerate children and usually get along with dogs and other animals.  Early socialization and obedience training are necessary.  Eskies are easy to train and like to perform and learn new tricks.

Upkeep - The Eskie sheds heavily and requires brushing two to three times per week.  They need regular exercise, including at least one vigorous walk.

Size - height 9-12 inches (toy), Minature 12-15 inches, standard 15-19 inches; weight toy 6-10 pounds; miniature 10-20 pounds, standard 18-35 pounds.

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